We hope that, with new activities being added, and all activities being updated with images and examples from schools, there will be plenty of activity on the site; however, the Lost Wor(l)ds Project project is about more than making activities available and getting them into classrooms – it is about creating space for exploring multilingualism in schools, for validating and empowering multilingual pupils and their teachers, for sharing good practice – in short, it is about normalising multilingualism and embedding it in formal education systems, through a focus on nature and sustainability.

Any change takes time, and a lot of change starts from individual enthusiasm, from grassroots projects, from a bright spark of an idea. This blog is intended to carry these sparks together, and so, over time, we will be sharing posts that:
- Introduce multilingual individuals, who will be invited to share some of their thoughts on multilingualism and nature;
- Draw attention to specific resources, either across multiple languages, or just one: an interesting book, a fun website – things that were produced outside the project, but link to it in some way;
- Highlight a particular school or class, showcasing their work in one concentrated space, to inspire, share good practice, and further discussion;
- Share ongoing work from the project, work-in-progress, or general musings;
- Introduce open-access research articles that link to related work, for those who want to follow up more on the research surrounding multilingualism, biliteracy development, languages and identity, etc.
We are actively looking to make this blog as open as possible, so if you feel that you, your school, your class, etc. can contribute in any way, we would love to hear from you at lostworlds@sheffield.ac.uk.