While a language portrait is not inherently linked to nature, like the Rivers of Reading activity, it forms part of creating an inclusive learning environment, and gives teachers an opportunity to learn from pupils about how their different languages are part of their identity. Just like the Rivers of Reading activity, we have not created a traditional lesson plan, but instead, a short staff information video, and a short video for pupils, which can be used to explain the activity to them. An instructions sheet is also included in the downloads section.

Essentially, a language portrait is a tried and tested way to encourage children to talk about their different languages, and how they form a part of their identity. The premise is simple – you choose one colour for each language you consider part of your identity, and colour in the outline of a person, in any way you want. Just like with the Rivers of Reading, reasons behind choices are important, and so an opportunity to write or talk about the language portrait is important, too. Below is first the staff information video, and then the video for pupils – as always, if you choose to use this activity in the classroom, we would love to hear from you.

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